Friday, October 25, 2013

Group: Broadcast/Public Service

Enhanced options for minorities in terms of public service news broadcast

We believe that, in the future, public service will be more attractive and more up to date with new technology and trends. We see that public service can target their customers in a more direct way through offering more tailored solutions for each customers needs. This way everyone, including minorities and people with special needs, can receive news that are relevant and adapted for them. In this project, we choose to limit ourselves to SVT when talking about public service. 

We have decided to focus our ideation process within the frame of making public service news broadcasting in the Swedish TV market more appealing or “hot”. What we define as appealing may differ as to which idea we choose to go further with. This is mainly because of the something-for-everyone paradigm that is the foundation of public service. We can then define an explicit target group and investigate what exactly is appealing to that consumer segment. 

We think that news in general will be more tailored and more on demand in the future, and that new technology will allow for more senses to be affected. Since one of the main purposes of public service is to serve minorities, we believe there are a lot of new interesting possibilities with these changes.

SVT (public service broadcast) separates themselves from other competitors in the broadcasting market with their responsibility to not only produce content that is the most popular, but also to produce content for minorities. We want to dig further into the differences between public service and commercial tv and investigate on how to capitalize on their opportunities.

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