- Group name:
- What we have done:
We have continued to refine our vision of the project to include feedback given during the initial meeting with Daniel and Malin. We have also taken into consideration ideas and information that we have gathered in the course of carrying out desktop research on the area of ‘Citizen Journalism’ and ‘Crowdsourcing News’. We’re currently studying future scenarios of the application of AI in the future and how the technology would be applicable and relevant towards our project.
We have scheduled weekly group meetings, where we meet in one place and discuss at length the previous week’s work and plan for the coming week’s activities.
- What we will do:
We will work on the mid-crit presentation. We have taken the initiative to share useful resources among the group using a shared document portal, which we are all currently reading through. Our intention is to come up with a defined target audience for our product/service “ Crowdopolis”.
We will all work independently in the course of the week and have one meeting where we shall put together all our work contributions towards the mid-crit and finalise our presentation.
- Problems encountered:
We have come across a few hurdles in attempting to define our target audience. Once we have this solved, we believe that we shall be able to have a clear vision of our project.
Additionally, we are having some trouble identifying the scope of our project. Hopefully, the feedback from the mid-crit in the coming week shall help us clarify this.
- Changes within the project:
There have been no significant changes to our project in the last week.
- Resources:
Putting the citizen back into journalism
Mapping the journalism–blogging relationship
Group meeting in progress...
Good that you have organized your work in such a good way. You will probably come up with both a scope and a target group during your process of working. Otherwise, this might come at the mid-crit. It's also good that you read up on the subjectt like you are doing, and perhaps you could schedule some interviews or meetings with experts as well. Keep up the good work! /M