Friday, November 1, 2013

GISMO - Weekly Report 1/11

Group name: GISMO - Geographical Information System for Media Orientation

What we have done: A lot of focus has been made on the design and interface of the system and idea. All of us have contributed with different design proposals which later have been presented during our group sessions. Some interesting ideas have been picked from more or less every proposal but something decisively is not decided yet. The project group has also thought about a name and hence a proper picture or logo in order to characterize the project and fulfil the requirements for the extra hand-in. Likewise the previous procedure everyone of us have contributed with proposals. They have lately been discussed and an election has been made in order to democraticely choose the best proposal.

What we will do: The next step is mainly to prepare a presentation for the midcrit session. The group needs to consider what they want to present in order to fulfill the requirements for the task. It would be appropriate to contribute with a more or less completed version of a design proposal in order to get the necessary feedback at a relatively early stage.

Problems encountered: The group asked about further contact information during the early project meeting with the examinators, where we were told to add that request in our revised project report. At this stage we have not received any feedback so we suggest that we have to contact them on our own in order to let their perspectives contribute to the project. Therefore it will be hard to involve their comments during the mid crit session. Another thing to take into consideration is that the group need to focus more on the target audience. In other words, who needs GISMO?

Changes in the project: No major or decisive changes have been made lately.

Early stage drawing about the concept

Inspiration has been taken from the following links:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I think you are doing a great job! I have e-mailed some contact information to you today. More feedback will also come from the experts at the Mid-crit. And I believe there are plenty of people who would be interested in this service - anyone who is interested in news and have a smartphone! Keep up the good work!
