For now we have just set it to Newsify as a placeholder, so this could change in the future.
What have we done:
Not much since people have been away so the group have not been able to meet up and discuss the project until today (Friday 1st of Nov). Much of this is because of the examperiod that we just had, so hopefully things will work out better during next week.
What will we do:
During next week we will start taking contact with the industry. We will also begin working on questions for a focus group meeting that will be carried out one week from now. Based on this information we will then start working on the mid-crit presentation.
One of our problems have been to define our target audience, after some discussion and thought we settled for people aged 18-30 as they are “game changers” for the industry in general.
Our biggest problem so far is getting everyone on site for each meeting. This is making it very difficult to progress with our work so we have agreed on meeting at least twice a week from now on.
Changes in the project:
We have not altered our project in any major way since last week since we have not worked on the project and the reason for that is TENTAPERIOD!
Morning meeting at 8 o'clock brainstorming for tag lines our best idea so far is: Get serious - get newsified! :D
I understand that it might be tough to get everyone in the group to meet, especially during the tentaperiod. However, I like that you have worked on the target group, and I think it's smart to set it for 18 to 30-year-olds, since this group probably is the largest user group for Spotify today. (My own speculation only.) Keep up the good work this week then! /M